NFR Extra Podcast

Monday, December 04, 2023

#161 Vegas NFR Icon - Billy Etbauer

One of the most popular cowboys of his generation, Etbauer won five saddle bronc world titles (1992, 1996, 1999, 2000 and 2004) and garners respect for both his go-for-broke style and his humility during his career that covered parts of four decades. A native of Huron, South Dakota, he was the middle brother of three world-class bronc riders. Etbauer qualified for the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo® in his second year as a professional in 1989. He went on to make the field a record 21 consecutive years, win 51 NFR rounds and surpass $3 million in career earnings. He still shares the NFR record with his 93-point ride on Kesler Championship Rodeo’s Cool Alley in 2003. He tied the record a year later on a 10th-round ride that clinched the last of his five gold buckles.