Stevi Hillman

Jul 22, 2024

Stevi Hillman

 By Susan Kanode

Last December, Stevi Hillman qualified for her eighth consecutive Wrangler National Finals Rodeo. Steviā€™s love of horses started while growing up in Ordway, Colorado. Her stepfather, Dave Salzbrenner, taught her the importance of having a good foundation on a horse. That has become very important as she pursues excellence with all of the different horses she rides. 

Steve Hillman during her first run of the 2023 Wrangler NFR. | Photo by Clay Guardipee

 Her husband, Ty Hillman, also grew up in Colorado and they now make their home near Weatherford, Texas. Her success in the arena has often depended on her main mount, ā€œTruckā€ Cuatro Fame whose career has been outstanding for many years. Truck is 17 years old and his longevity is due to the care and consideration that the Hillmans give him. 

The list of horses that Stevi has ridden at the Wrangler NFR is not only lengthy, it is filled with a variety of pedigrees, ages, colors and sex. What is consistent is the talent of the horses and Steviā€™s ability to showcase that talent. It took her a while to think of the horses that she has ridden at rodeoā€™s championship, but the list looks something like this ā€“ Truck, Martini, Sharpie, Baby Flash, Slick, Perfecto, Millie, Lemon Drop, Hollywood, Sandy and Bridget. 

She has a trailer full of talent everywhere she goes and is looking forward to the day when that trailer includes a home-raised horse. She and Ty have started a breeding operation and at the center of that is their stallion, TSH Pendleton.

Stevi with her herd of horses at the 2024 Reno Rodeo. | Photo by Susan Kanode

Steviā€™s faith is ever present as she goes up and down the road. She uses rodeo as a platform to share Godā€™s love and encourage people. Itā€™s evident in the twinkle of her blue eyes and graciousness of her smile and it has garnered her many fans. 

Stevi and Ty have a book out, ā€œMind Fuel ā€“ Mental Training, Overcoming Adversity, and Competitive Mindset.ā€ From driving to feeding and exercising horses, they truly share the responsibilities of the rodeo road and work at home. But, when the gate opens and Stevi rides into the arena, it is all about her and the horse that she is riding. While it may seem that Ty takes a back seat, his presence outside of the arena is a very important part of Steviā€™s success. It is teamwork that makes the team work. 

Stevi and Ty Hillman are best friends, team mates and work partners. Steviā€™s success in the arena depends on her husbandā€™s efforts outside of it. | Photo by Susan Kanode

One on One with the Wrangler NFR Contestant Stevi Hillman 

Favorite movie: Growing up, I wore the tape out of ā€œWild Hearts Canā€™t be Broken.ā€ Now, I love ā€œWild Hogs,ā€ ā€œGrumpy Old Men,ā€ ā€œThe Proposal,ā€ ā€œSecondhand Lionsā€ and ā€œTop Gun.ā€  

What superpower would you like to have: Iā€™d like to be able to take fear, worry and doubt away from people. And Iā€™d replace it with confidence and happiness. 

Dogs or cats: I love both, but Iā€™d pick dogs. We travel with two ā€“ Little Maggie is 16 years old and still with us in the truck. She is a black mini-Aussie. Lexie is the rodeo mascot. Sheā€™s been with us since she was a puppy in 2016. One of my best friends raised her. She is a full-sized red Australian Shepherd that has grown up on the road.  

Favorite dessert: I love a lemon meringue pie, specifically Perkā€™s Lemon Meringue Pie. 

TV show that you binge watch: Friends is the first one we watch over and over again. We also watch Suits, and like comedies and mysteries. 

Favorite card or board game:  There is this card game called Tic that our friends got us hooked on. 

Famous person youā€™d like to have lunch with: Kate Hudson ā€“ I love her mom as well. They have a contagious happiness about them. 

Favorite thing to do away from the arena: I like anything on the water. I really enjoy being on a lake. 

Favorite spectator sport, other than rodeo: I watch anything at the professional level, but I donā€™t keep up with anything specific.

If you werenā€™t in rodeo, what would you be doing: Working as an x-ray technician. If I had a job after I retired, Iā€™d want it to be on a beach somewhere with a laid-back atmosphere.  

Best childhood memory: Holidays at my grandparentsā€™ house in Ordway, Colorado. We played football in their backyard and then ate my grandmaā€™s awesome food.  

Coffee or tea: Coffee ā€“ I love both but if I could only pick one it would be coffee.

Favorite thing about Las Vegas: Going down the alley at the Thomas & Mack Center.

Favorite place to eat while on the road: We like to try to find fun local places if we overnight somewhere. Good Thai food is always on the list. We stay away from the chains. 

Music or podcast on your playlist: Love music and listen to a little bit of everything. I listen to podcasts by Joyce Myers and Irwin McManus. We listen to a lot of different stuff on the road. 

What barrel racing horse would you like to ride one time: Iā€™ve been asked this several times and my answer always changes ā€“ Mulberry (Sharpieā€™s dam that Angie Meadors qualified for the NFR in 2010 and 2011) would have been fun to ride. Valor (Dona Kay Ruleā€™s horse) looks like a fun ride too. 

What buckle do you wear and why: Pendleton because itā€™s the scariest run and reminds me to push through the fear. I wore Lemon Dropā€™s NFR round buckle until it broke. Cheyenne is a bucket list rodeo so I also wear that one.

Whatā€™s your strong point as a competitor: (this came from Ty) There are two things that stand out about Stevi.  She has an incredible feel for a horse. She gives them a voice, horses canā€™t speak English. My wife has an incredible ability to understand what they have to say. Thatā€™s why she has done well on young horses and got them to win at a high level. The second thing, she may get frustrated, sad, or throw her sucker in the dirt, but when itā€™s time to make her next run she puts it all aside and is ready to make her best run every time. She does everything as if she is going to win every time. 

If you could give advice to a young rodeo competitor, what would it be: Be prepared for every opportunity, work hard and be prepared. Learn and know your horse inside and out. Be there for others and help them. You will always need help and will get that in return. Never forget about helping each other.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be: There are several sides of me, so Iā€™d probably want to be on the ocean somewhere and another place would be in the mountains of Montana.  

Most memorable rodeo win: 2016 at Pueblo, first time family from Ordway was there. Grandpa saw me run barrels for the very first time and Martini won it. Champions Challenge at Pueblo. Family ā€“ Martiniā€™s breakout performance and we had a number that we thought would be safe to make the NFR.

Favorite bible verse: I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength, Phillipians 4:13 is one of my favorites. 

Follow Stevi Hillman on Instagram and Facebook.